Software systems and custom built databases for medical and healthcare providers.
This is a developer tool for use within the healthAlliance network. It allows MS-Access and other applications to connect to and read patient demographics and event data held by the three Auckland regional hospital patient management systems.

Develop applications that:
avoid double-entry of patient demogrpahics
accurate linking to the correct patient
avoid double-entry of patient visit data
accurate linking to the correct encounter / visit
A few lines of code is all it takes, for example:
Dim client As MedSynHealth.client
Dim Patient As MedSynHealth.PatientDemographics
Set client = New MedSynHealth.client
Set Patient = client.GetResponse(strNHI)
Me.txtGivenName = Patient.GivenName
Me.txtFamilyName = Patient.FamilyName
Me.txtGender = Patient.Gender
Me.txtEthnicity = Patient.Ethnicity
Me.txtDomicile = Patient.Domicile
Me.txtDoB = Patient.DOB
Link to patient data held in:
MedsynHealth.dll....................... $500
Source code (C#) ....................... $3,000
Prices in NZD, excluding GST.
Includes a sample Access application with code to:
Pass patient NHI as a parameter, return demographics
Pass patient NHI as parameter, return a list of hospital encounters for a date range
Pass Encounter number, return encounter details
Validate NHI numbers
Contact us for more information.