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Case studies



Hosted on Microsoft Azure, it allows problem gambling counsellors to enter client sessions and assessments from any connected device.

Features charting, SMS appointment reminders, document management, referral, notes, reviews, follow ups, alerts, audit and a full clinical history.

Client sessions can have multipe attendees and one or more counsellors. Word templates are used for creating standard documents.

Users are authenticated using Office 365 Active Directory.

Provides a variety of managment reports and monthly uploads to the Ministry of Health.

Child Cancer Register

This has been developed as a national online register and clinical tool for the management of children and young people who have completed therapy for cancer.


The tool has been designed to support the development of the National Late Effects Assessment Programme (LEAP), a clinical initiative funded by the Cancer Control Council, and implemented by the National Paediatric Oncology Steering Group, to ensure all children and young people who have survived cancer receive co-ordinated clinical care regardless of where they live.


It was designed to incorporate a national Children’s Cancer Registry, and to provide all survivors with a personalized “Health Passport”. The passports allow young cancer survivors to move around the country and the world and take their medical histories with them should any issues arise in later life.


LEAP-IT won the 2007 Computerworld Excellence Awards for Excellence in the Use of ICT in Health. It has been continually updated.

Ear infection study

This web based system was the second phase in a ear study, with data entry captured from multiple regions. Using Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, it has a responsive design that allows for different screen resolutions.


Various business rules are embedded into the data entry screens. These include conditional data entry fields, and restrictions on control patients.

Central Line Associated Bacteraemia (CLAB) Prevention database

Avoiding central line infection by using CLAB bundles of care for insertions and maintenance. Developed in conjunction with Ko Awatea and Counties Manukau Health as part of a Health Quality & Safety Commission initiative. 


Key measures include CLAB rates per 1,000 line days, days since last infection, insertion and maintenance compliance and line days. 

Toxicology and alcohol database

Developed for the Emergency Department for a large hospital, the system records clinical and other information on patients who are intoxicated or suffered accidental or industrial poisoning.

Links to patient demographics and events held in the hospital patient management system.

Online schedules, surveys, questionnaires, studies

We can analyse your requirements and arrange set up and hosting for:

  • schedules

  • surveys

  • questionnaires

  • research studies

  • virtually any data collection


Results can be emailed, or analysed in Excel with detailed and summary reports

Research / study databases

These can be developed to match your paper or electronic forms for data entry. Business rules can be defined and roles used to restrict access to different users


Results can be analysed in Excel and imported into statistical packages, such as SAS.

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